Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Music of The Spheres

Felippe Moraes
The Music of The Spheres

This video is the unfolding of a surprising vision I found in Northampton some months ago, as described in a previous post:
The video has been latent since then going through process of edition. For the first time it is a video produced by me with more aggressive modifications of the image such as removing colours and slowing it down. Normally my videos have very little or no edition, revealing the visual world as perceived by the eye and the camera at the instant of the capture of the image. In this case, a surrealist scenario is taken to the extreme.
The title of the video "The Music of the Spheres" is a direct mention to Kepler's experiemnt with the same title in which, by the movements of the 6 known planets of his time, plus the moon, he composed songs by their velocities as distances from the sun in each part of their elipses around that star.
Althoug it is still the captured image, it is taken to another level of visuality and suggesting a new time for the obersavtion.

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