Sunday, December 4, 2011

Exhibition "On Becoming"

Text of the Exhbition: Felippe Moraes - On Becoming

The action of becoming, in itself, is a gap, a latency, it is nothing in absolute terms, and that nature can be assorted in the situations in which it is detected. Something that is becoming is neither one thing or another, it is the transitional becoming in its fullness. That suspension of time, existence and difficulty of conceiving is powerfully spiritual in the way that it speaks metaphorically about our own conditions as humans, scientifically, historically, culturally: all a process of becoming something else since the moment it started.

All the works in the exhibition bring with themselves, and by the relations they establish between them, a complex notion of conceptual abstraction and also their clumsy relation with the world of the experiences. Although mentioned as works of art, that indeed they are, the pieces are all experiments between the tangible materiality and the ideas we make of it. They construct and destruct concepts, put to the limit the wideness, and sometimes the narrowness of our understanding to propose a poetical point of view over our existence as rational entities in the realm of matter.

The works all come across this process of being something else. There is a tension between the fullness they have as works, but an incompleteness in their becoming. Although they are by themselves, they are physicalities that are to conceptually become something else, in the meaning or in the matter itself, or just condemned to be forever in the state of latency: of being a possibility of completion. And all those “non-beeingnesses” relate very closely to our, although transcendent nature, suspension in time and space, searching for what we were and what we shall be. Forever in the process of becoming.

November, 2011 - Northampton
Felippe Moraes

CLICK HERE to see the exhibition's interactive panorama

Felippe Moraes - On Becoming
Fishmarket Gallery
Bradshaw Street
Northampton - United Kingdom

Thu - Sat, 10 am - 6pm
01/12/2011 to 31/12/2011

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